
Br. General Gruber (res.) meets with groups visiting Israel and presents his multi-media presentation. Gruber is an expert in military ethics and lectures worldwide to diverse audiences which include; university students, synagogues, churches, schools and to a variety of organizations and US military academies and on the Hill. 

In Israel, Br. General Gruber meets with diverse groups and offers the below options:

Meeting with groups and presenting Ethics in the Field

Sderot and border full\half day tours

Participate in a fascinating border tour learning about Israel's security challenges. 

Chesed in the Field

Groups have the incredible opportunity to participate in these transformative experiences:

Bar and Bat mitzvah project

Celebrate your special day with your family and friends doing chesed with IDF soldiers and those from the special needs community. For additional information regarding this unique opportunity.



Holiday parties

 If your planning a trip to Israel during a holiday participate in a meaningful and lively party at one of the many hospitals in Israel run by Ethics in the Field.. Engage with the patients bringing a smile to their faces during the holiday. Help the soldiers give out food and party favors to participants and participate in the dancing. 

Exhilarating plane ride over Masada

Join IDF soldiers and special needs children in a memorable day. Br. General Gruber flies special needs children with his soldiers over Masada once a month. Participate in this once in a life time opportunity and engage with the group and learn firsthand what components contributes to Israelis's ethical military

לפרטים והזמנות חייגו: 052-3260523